CO2 Report

Rapidly changing environmental frameworks call for action by all responsible parties. In Monjasa, we are launching a new greenhouse gas emissions initiative to understand our role and support a global agenda.

Introducing Customer CO2 Reports

As a global organisation, we needed answers to what our current impact was and where we should prioritise to reduce or expand our impact across the oil and shipping industries. We have therefore partnered with consultancy company, Deloitte, and completed our first group carbon accounts in 2021.

During this process we have established a level of granularity that enables us to provide our partners with CO2-reporting linked to each individual fuel order placed with Monjasa.

We have taken these steps because we believe that only by understanding our shared value chain environmental impact, we can work together on ways to develop our businesses responsibly.

Contact us
If you would like to learn more and receive your company’s individual Customer CO2 Report, please contact our us:

You can learn more about our overall Responsibility framework here